Lunes, Oktubre 10, 2011

Learning Insights Classroom Discussions and Field Works

            Classroom discussions led us to the different things that we must know within and beyond the subject matter in a positive way; it taught us to be responsible in doing the assigned  tasks and to budget our time, honestly, we have not been good students to our teacher, especially in our Mth 7:30-9:00 class, almost all of my classmates arrive late and I fell shy in our teacher because we seldom meet because of the field works, yet, if she asks us to meet, my classmates would come around 8:00 and she will wait just to start the lesson formally or start  the demo teaching, out of 30 students, lucky if around 4 will come early and the demo teaching will start immediately. Worst because lately, she often got sick because of her migraine and we hope she will be okay. We often talks about that matter and our conscience strikes us, it made us realize how naughty students we are.
 In our classroom discussions and field works most of the topics being discussed were being applied through the activities and it made us learn more, it also sinks more into our minds when interaction takes place in our meetings. Most of this subject deals with field works and I am happy because it prepares us in our future profession.

Lesson Plan

Shiela Mae Asumen  EdEng3
EngEd 5

Year Level: Kinder 1

I.              Objectives
At the end of the lesson, at least 75% of the class must be able to:
1.    Identify the letter C and produce it’s sound [k]
2.    Write the upper and lower case  Cc
3.    Identify words with letter C.

II.            Subject Matter
  Letter  “ Cc”
"Learning Letters" by Lisa Garcia

Instructional Materials

III.           Procedure
            The class will recite the poem “C is for cookie”.
Lesson Proper
1.    The teacher will pronounce first and introduce the letter C.         
2.    The teacher will help the students read the words with letter c.

3.    Model the sound and let pupils repeat after me.

·         Stress that the letter c has several pronunciation- /s/ /k/ /ch/.

                   Words with letter c



Practice I.
The teacher will give a picture selection activity wherein the students will identify pictures with letter c on its name.

 4.   Now that we know the letter c, let us practice how to write the letter Cc. We will write first the big letter. Draw a curve line to create a big and small letter c. Let us practice writing the letter c in the air.

  C  c
Practice II
                                     The teacher will give an activity called “Letter C Word Search”

IV.          Evaluation
                                    Write the letter Cc in your notebook. Fill one page.

V.           Assignment
                  Write 20 words containing the letter c in a one whole sheet of paper.

Demo Teaching Documentation

Demo Teaching

            Doing the lesson plan is not that easy for me because I am not that creative in making the activities but the best part for me is while making the visual aids, I had fun selecting colorful pictures related to my activities to attract the eyes of my audience.  During the demo I got quite nervous and at the same time, uncomfortable, because my Fs uniform is very itchy but as my demo went on, I already enjoyed being in front and it was such a challenge dealing with students especially when they are starting to be noisy and you really have to get their attention.

30 reading selection

            The 30 reading selections really made me realize that I still have plenty of words learn, frankly speaking, I had a hard time answering it, because most of the words in the selection were new to me, it made me look for a complete dictionary just to answer it.   
            Since it will really take time answering, I made my fulltime of answering the selections during the Intramurals. Yes, I did not participate well in the 50th Anniversary of our school, but I had new learnings and knowledge gained while answering the selections, and..IT’S WORTH IT!!

Big Book Documentation